Menjelang akhir semester genap biasanya semua orang sibuk bikin rencana buat ngadepin libur panjang selama 3 bulan.. Nah, buat kita2 mahasiswa, biasanya kita pingin banget ngisi liburan dgn kegiatan bermanfaat (kecuali gue,haha)..Semester genap kemaren gw lebih milih untuk ngambil semester pendek..Lumayan..itung2 buat nyicil jumlah SKS yg diambil..
Di tahun kedua gw kuliah ini gw masih bingung mau ngapain.. Tapi tiba2 tren nyari tempat magang mulai merebak..Semua temen2 mau nyari tempat magang dan sibuk bikin CV..Pertamanya sih gue cuek2 aja..Abis mau bikin Cv juga ga ada yang bisa dibanggain dari gue..haha..Ironis dan menyedihkan..
Tapi lama2 tren itu makan korban juga..Temen2 deket gue mulai semangat ngirim CV ke beberapa majalah..Gue yg tadinya aga males mikirin magang akhirnya terinspirasi buat nyoba2 ngirim CV.. Yang jelas, target gw adalah kerja di media (terutama majalah dan koran) soalnya paling nyambung sama jurusan gue..mimpi gue adalah bisa nyoba jadi reporter (olah raga or majalah lifestyle) or fashion stylish gt deh..
Moga2 aja proses dari mulai bikin CV sampe nanti dipanggil wawancara atau bahkan sampe bener2 magang (ngarep) bisa bjalan lancar..walaupun gue nyadar kalo kemampuan interview gue rada cupu..Hehe..
But, There's no use if we're not trying, right??
A little sneak peak for my next photo session..^_^..I haven't edited them yet..
PS: Sometimes, when I'm in the mood, I like to take some pictures with my one and only tool (which is my best f*cking friend, my digital camera..^_~)..Here is one of my things..(I know I know..I'm an amateur..But, whatever..Just take a look at it and spell something..Okay??)
After a while I realize that I have a huge crush with some of new actors in those movies I watched..^_^..It's creepy, huh??He2..But, anyway, I think I have to make a short review about them in my blog..You may not recognize some of them (yet), but I guarantee you..When you see them act, you'll think the same way as me..That they deserve to be the next Hollywood A-listers actors..
Here they are:
1. Matthew Gray Gubler
First time saw him: in Criminal Minds as Dr. Spencer Reid
He's so charming that I instantly fall in love with his character (the first time I saw his series). Later I found out that he directed The Killers video called "Don't Shoot Me Santa" and also one hell of a great artist. What a talented young man..(Makes my heart melting..hahahaha)
If you wanna see his paintings or his art, don't be shame to visit his web at or you can visit youtube to see some crazy video that he made..I bet you'll love him in a sec..
2. Lou Taylor Pucci
First time saw him: in a movies called "Tumbsucker"..His face makes him looks like a little kid..But his acting is far from little..He's amazing and he loves to play more in some kindda independent movies or so..His role in the movies is varies from one to another so we can’t be bored of him..I think he’ll have huge chance to be more and more successful in the future..
If you wanna see the other side of him, watch Greenday video called “Jesus of Suburbia”..
3. Jackson Rathbone
First time saw him: in The OC and Twilight of course..Then I found out that he had lived in Indonesia for a while when he was young..Cool..He has an indie band too..(Rocker..yummy..)..You can see his band performed in Youtube..And wait for his movie coming next year which is a live action movie from a cartoon called “Avatar, The Legend of Aang”..Can’t wait..
4. John Patrick Amedori
First time saw him: forgot..^_^.. But then I saw him in “The Butterfly Effect” and “Stick It” and guess starring in some of the hit TV series such as Gossip Girl, House, Numb3rs, Nip/Tuck and Ghost Wisperer..(To be honest, I’m not a Nip/Tuck fan but when I found out that he was in it, I searched the on-line episode and watched it,,he2)..
5. Stuart Lafferty
First time saw him: in a movie called “Death Sentence”..First time act in a movie but already meet some great actors like Kevin Bacon and Kelly Preston..He once became a guess star in his brother’s TV series “One Tree Hill” but I didn’t realize it..(dumb me..)..(His brother,James Lafferty, is an amazing actor too)..You’ll see more of him in the future..
(Stuart, left, with his brother, James)
6. Garrett Hedlund
First time saw him: in “Four Brothers”..He was so amazing and seemed to enjoy the acting even with some huge actors like Terrence Howard and Mark Wahlberg..Then I saw him in “Troy” with Brad Pitt, “Georgia Rule” with Lindsay Lohan, and “Death Sentence” with Kevin Bacon..His acting is powerful and he doesn’t afraid to change his look for his movie..(He was bald when he played in Death Sentence)..
7. Justin Chatwin
First time saw him: in “War of The World” as Tom Cruise’s son..I thought he was just another cute young actor but he proved me wrong..I saw his annoying role opposite Jamie Bell in “Chumscrubber” and as a weird brother in one episode of “Weeds”..Then, of course you see him as Goku in Dragonball..Now, I can’t say that he is just a cute actor anymore..