Monday, February 1, 2010

My Wish List

Sebelum nulis postingan ini mood gw berbunga-bunga..
Tapi setelah baca postingan temen gw ini, mood gw langsung berubah BT..
(Well, you should read the article though..You'll be surprised of what they said)

But, anyway, I'm not here to write something nasty about others..
I'm here to tell you something that really makes me happy..
The reason is..

My birthday will come this Wednesday..Yipppiii..Hahaha..

So, in order to respect that "special" day..(Hahahaha, whatever)..I've been prepared a list..Not just an ordinary list..But a list with full of my own hope..Someday, somehow, I will get those things in my list..hahaha..

Ooohhh..If I could have a fairy godmother like Cinderella..I would absolutely ask her to get me these things..

So, without a further a do..I'll give you..

10 Awesome Things I Wish I could Have

Source: here

Source: here

Source: here

Source: here, here

Source: here

Source: here

Source: here

Source: here, here

Source: here, here, here, here

10. Last but Not Least..

Well, I hope I could fulfill at least one of it from this list..Haha..

PS: Just visit my sister's blog here..Ternyata oh ternyata, she is a good writer..Oh, and she is so honest..(I've never seen her so open like this before..)..Haha..Enjoy!!



Nien said...

gw doain yang nomer 10 ya yang paling mudah terkabul XD

nyai dachimah said...

dah,itu daftar keinginan lo mahal2 semua yak kayaknya. hahahaha..
yang pastinya sih lo ga bisa mengharapkan barang2 ini dari binatang. terakhir kali aja para binatang kasih lo cupcake murah yang beli di kopma dengan hiasan lollipop di atasnya, gimana mau beliin barang mahal?? hahahaha...

Maya Safira said...

jiehhh.. mau 21. seumuran donk. hahaha..

daku juga mau SLR!!

dah, itu fotonya pake editan yg lo blg ya? apa namanya? lupaaa..

oya ini link kacamata t.o.p