Monday, June 15, 2009

Here I Come For...(Nothing)

Today I had an interview for an internship..
The place that I really want was full
So, they offered me another place..
But, I didn't take it though..

What can I say??
Life cannot always go as well as you want..
Che triste?? Si, molto molto, and felt so sorry for mio padre who had been accompanied me all day long..He must have been so tired..

So, after that tired morning, me and my father decided to go to a mall in Bogor..Just to refresh my head and my brain..
Then I bought a huge glass of iced chocolate full of whipped cream plus one big glaze doughnut..Hmmm..Yummy..
After I felt enough of those food..I met my sister with her friend at the movies there..Then we went together to a book store..I bought this beautiful novel by Tanti Susilawati called "Goloso Geloso"..
Yes, I bought that novel perche mi piace molto Italia..and after I read few pages I already fell in love with Chicco (the main character in the novel)..

Found these amazing rainfall little lamps in the mall..

Fuuuhh..What I really want right now is just laying down on my bed, reading my new novel, and then falling asleep without knowing it..

Come..come..a new day..

Picture of The Day

For the interview I wear this:

Dress: vintage
Vest: Dad's
Thights: Mangga dua
Sneakers: Spotec (Dad's)
Bangles: random


Nien said...

odah gaul!
i even havent fix my CV, not to mention sending them everywhere or know where to send. ahem.
great clothes! :D

Nyanya said...

gak nothing dong dah.. kan makan glaze sama ice cream yumm. hehehe

nyai dachimah said...

papa mu keren...*krn udh dgr cerita lengkap interview lo secara live kmrn.

MDS* said...

LOve this with the vest!